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Internal Information System

The Internal Information System or whistleblower channel is the corporate tool that VINCI Energies España, S.A.U. and the companies that are part of its group, from time to time, in accordance with commercial legislation (hereinafter, VES or VES Group), makes available to its employees, collaborators and external third parties, for the communication of alerts related to:
- Any action or omission that may constitute an infringement of European Union Law or serious or very serious criminal or administrative infringement, in the terms detailed in the Spanish law 2/2023, of February 20.
- Any conduct, behavior or practice that may imply any irregularity or action contrary to existing compliance regulations, such as codes of ethics; human rights; health and safety; environment; etc.
- Complaints of harassment in the workplace, sexual or gender-based harassment.
And provided that the facts occur within a work or professional context (objective scope).
To access the portal, click on the following link.